

Chronological Account of the Weiss family with contextual remarks, some weather, sports and other news. You can write to me at: mhw20854@yahoo.com The people in the Weiss family are: Martin, Ann, Beth and George. I also sometimes write about other people or our pet.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Fried Matzoah w Onions 

I was thinking of fried matzoah on the 7th day of Passover. I decided to go for it so I fried up two onions and then added the matzoah and eggs and fried up the whole thing. It wasn't much different from regular fried matzoah without the onions. I think that to get the onion taste you have to either use very sharp onions and not cook them first or, more simply, just use onion powder. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................image from the internet
posted by Martin Weiss  # 11:57 PM

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Unlikely Star of Passover this year 

I had plenty of olive oil for Passover. However, I don't particularly like the taste of olive oil. I used the Streit's vegetable oil (100% cottonseed) for some cooking and it tasted pretty good. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... It has a relatively high smoke point (about 420F), has essentially no carbohydrate and is mostly poly unsaturated. Looking it up on the internet, cottonseed was the most common cooking oil between WWI and WWII (during WWII soybean replaced cottonseed oil in Crisco). I notice that at the caterer they use a composite that has several oils.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:57 PM

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The hip bone is connected to the leg bone, the leg bone is connect to the knee bone 

I went to a knee specialist at Medstar today. After a discussion I had an X-ray of the knee. There were no obvious problems. As the doctor puzzled I said, "well I'm glad I didn't have to lie on my side to get the knees checked because the previous time I did that it hurt my hip.". The doctor puzzled a bit more and said, "I think we should get a hip X-ray because sometime a deteriorated hip joint causes knee pain." The x-ray showed significant deterioration (and in one area severe deterioration) of the hip joints. Well well. Fun fact, the knee doctor's name was Carter Mitchell. I asked him he had ever met anyone named Mitchell Carter. He hadn't. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Next step will be to see the Hip specialist (in late June). Coincidentally, this coming Shabbat the haftorah portion is from chapter 37 of Ezekiel which is the inspiration behind the song "Them Dry Bones". The song was written before the era of song copyright and there are multiple versions of the song. In general, in all versions of the song that I've seen, the bones connect from toe bone to head bone which is reverse of my heading.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:46 PM

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Chametz burning in Israel 

Got an email from someone in Israel who I met at a synagogue across the street from where Tamar and Oz live. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... He recognized them even though he hadn't seen them in many years. It was at a Chametz burning. Click to enlarge. Tamar and Oz are in center of image.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 10:17 PM

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Wild Wisteria 

A lot of the neighborhood wisteria trees are carefully tended but today I saw one growing wild in an industrial area (Southlawn Ave in Rockville - click to enlarge the image). Some varieties of wisteria are native to North America, others (I'm pretty sure this one was) are descended from imports from China or Japan. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... There is one wisteria in southern California, in the plain bordering the San Gabriel mountains, that covers over an acre by itself. It has been named as one of the seven horticultural wonders of the world ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierra_Madre_Wistaria)
posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:42 PM

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Lots more plants blooming 

In addition to the white dogwood and pink azalea and white/purple lilacs, there are other plants in bloom now. The late blooming cherry blossom trees are still out. Also, wisteria and redbud trees and money plant flowers are out. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... no wisteria or redbud in our yard however.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:41 PM

Friday, April 12, 2024

Still Cherry Blossom Trees Blooming 

First a wrap up of the April trip: I used Uber for both the home to IAD trip and the IAD to home trip. The former was in a Tesla, the latter in a Lexus. ................................................................................ ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Some of the late blooming cherry blossom trees are still blooming. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ This was on Executive Drive in the parking lot of the Jewish Federation Administration Building.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 10:48 AM

Thursday, April 11, 2024

April 10 at Air Force Museum 

The Air Force Museum is about 50 miles north of Cincinnati and we visited it on 10 April. I used a free scooter which is good otherwise I would have been dead from the walking since the museum covers the equivalent of 10 large aircraft hangers. They have several hundred exhibits. I took just a few pictures....................... The first image is me in front of the B-2 (somehow you are seeing it - joke). The B-2 Stealth bomber can fly 50k foot altitude with range 6000 miles can carry up to 40,000 pounds of weapons some of which could include long range air to surface missiles. It's radar signature is, for some systems, about as large as a beech blanket. My scooter is to the left of the image. Introduced in 1997 which was too late to influence the course of the Cold Was. However, this is still in use................................. The second image is the Blackbird, a strategic surveillance plane. It has a long cylindar nose which contains sensors that have to be outside the plane but also need to be outside the airflow displacement of the plane as it flys. ................................................ The third image is a piece of the Berlin Wall that was somehow donated. /....................................................................................... The fourth image is of the X-44A. It was an experimental UAV that could be used for surveillance and combat and have a very small radar image, equivalent to about the size of a napkin. It's existence was not acknowledged until 2018 but somehow the museum got ahold of it by 2021. .............................................................................................................................................................. We think only one to three of these was ever built. It is not directly related to the X-44 Mantee.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:14 PM

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

PM on April 9 in Cincinnati 

We were at the Cincinnati Museum of Art. There is, of course, lots to see but a famous painting is shown in the image. It is an Andy Warhol painting of Peter Rose using baseball cards as a theme. The painting's official name is Pete Rose 360B. The museum paid Warhol $100,000 in 1985 to do this painting and it was completed on September 9, 1985s two days before Rose officially broke Cobb's record. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... It is generally recognized that official baseball records double counted a Cobb double on year so, if the 'stats' for Rose were correcting counted, Rose would have broken Cobb's record earlier (September 8).
posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:00 PM

AM April 9 near Cincinnati -Newport Aquarium 

We used the am portion of this day to see the sights at an aquarium just across the Ohio river from Cincinnati. It is a fairly new aquarium. The bottom image is a big gator. The top image is a lion fish and the middle one is a Shark-Ray which has elements of both a shark and a sting ray. They are also sometimes called guitar fish and one such fish is called "Jimmy" honoring Jimmy Hendricks. I got to pet that fish which also seems to enjoy being petted. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................The museum had wheel chairs to borrow.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 4:45 PM

Monday, April 08, 2024

In and near Cincinnati 

A busy day. I was in the Cincinnati area visiting with college friends, Gerry Berg, Dave Kroes and Rocky Kelman. Our first stop was the William Taft historical site. Lots to see but I was amused that they had t-shirts in extra large size there (2nd image). Then we went to Greensburg, Indiana in a public park to see the eclipse with 3+ minutes of totality. Weather was near perfect for viewing. I was much amused when the city police came by playing the theme from ghostbusters on their car sound system (3rd image). Then we went to a baseball game at Cincinnati's great American Ballpark (1st image). It was kind of sloppy game with a lot of errors but also 5 home runs. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Cincinnati beat Milwaukee 10-8.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 11:04 PM


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