

Chronological Account of the Weiss family with contextual remarks, some weather, sports and other news. You can write to me at: mhw20854@yahoo.com The people in the Weiss family are: Martin, Ann, Beth and George. I also sometimes write about other people or our pet.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

I Became Spam for two months 

Today Ann said she hadn't gotten emails I sent her on our schedule (medical appointments, mashgiach assignments, etc.) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................'It turned out that somehow my email had been classified as spam. It took me a few hours to think of this because it seems so odd. Relatively easy to fix though.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 7:02 PM

Friday, July 21, 2023

Well a Radiator Leak For Sure this time 

Everything seemed OK. Yesterday I drove to Germantown and back (using their indoor rec center for hydrotheraphy). This am I went to Siena and did mashgiach work. Then I filled up the gas tank and started home. Before I got home the temperature light was on. I opened the hood and sure enough it was hot, especially the coolant reservoir which was also empty. I took it to the Auto Clinic which is right behind Jiffy Lube (so I could have a coffee while waiting for an uber).... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Turned out the radiator problem was due to a faulty water pump. Pickup up the car today. Got 10% from an on line ad but it still cost over $1000.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:26 PM

Thursday, July 20, 2023

A confession may have resulted in a cost saving 

Earlier this week the engine light came on again (white not red). It went off the next day so I figured it was just low coolant. I bought some coolant and some Radiator and Block Sealer and filled the coolant reservoir. Everything was fine until today when the white engine light came on again. Then I looked more closely at the Block Sealer and it said "Do Not Place in Coolant Reservoir". Oops (I was supposed to place it directly in the radiator). I took it to Jiffy Lube and told them that they had worked on my coolant issue before but this time it was defininately my fault because ... (then I explained). They ended up flushing the coolant and topping it off and charging me nothing at all. They did it really quickly too. I told the clerk that if I had known they were going to work so fast I would have drunk their free coffee quicker and had another cup. She said there might be a problem that is making the coolant sometimes not work right such as a water pump working too slowly. She said that Jiffy Lube didn't do water pumps. I said, "Well the store right near does that and they are pretty good but their parking lot is a mess and there is no nice coffee lounge like you have. She said, "Mr. Weiss, anytime you want to come by and have some of our coffee you are welcome to come." Kind of a stunning comment (they have my service history in their computer and know my name).
posted by Martin Weiss  # 7:32 PM

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Another Interesting Mashgiach Assignment 

I had agreed to work on 19 July beginning 8am. I got a phone call about 10 pm on July 18. I was to come in at 530. There were multiple events honoring Israel's President Herzog. One event set for 19 July had, a week previously, been for 70 guests but it kept increasing and by 10 pm the day before the event the guest list was for 170. This event was sponsorted by AIPAC. It was about a 9 hour job for me, others worked many hours longer. ..... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... There were also other interesting things about this set of events. Various levels of security were established for the different events. The badge shown is for the second most security intensive event. Also, at one event, beef and chicken was on the menu despite this being part of the 9 days before Tisha b Av. Given that a lot of non Jews were at these events I can certainly understand doing this but I was not the decision maker on it.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 7:34 PM

Monday, July 17, 2023

Interesting mashgiach assignment 

I did a 7 hour mashgiach assignment yesterday. Two things conspired to make this necessary. The first was that there was an event with a lot of moslems that needed food delivered. For some reason, the event manager decided that the halal caterers couldn't or wouldn't take care of it (the image is a Washington D.C. halal caterer) and so they used a kosher caterer. The second was that the fellow who was supposed to relieve me after 2 hours was getting back from an out of town trip and was badly delayed (he said by traffic but there was probably more to it). ............. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ This was one of those days where I did work at three different venues beginning at about 730am for a combined 10 hours or so of work. This is really unusual (fortunately). I don't think I've done more than 8 hours in a day for several years but the next post shows another over 8 hour day.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 7:38 PM

Friday, July 14, 2023

New Coke Product 

I bought this product at Moti's. It is another new version of diet coke. I advised Coke Bear that I thought it had too much caramel. Coke Bear replied that I didn't understand that this was an 'Ultimate Limited Edition' under the 'League of Legends' program (the name of the new products department). ........... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... At least it didn't have any after taste unlike a product I tested a few years ago (I think it was called "Showtime Edition". Cross posted in the weiss chronicles.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 11:55 AM

Friday, July 07, 2023

In the Mail - a pleasant surprise 

Back a few years ago (in 2020) I was alerted to sign up for a class action lawsuit against Yahoo based on the company allowing malicious actors to access private information from yahoo accounts. Since it was easy to do (on line) I signed up for myself and Ann since both of us have had yahoo email accounts for several decades. The Federal Court for the San Jose District made a finding in favor of the plaintiff and the Appellate court approved this in September 2022. I got a notice each time about this. However, I didn't expect much since these class actions frequently produce returns below $5 for individuals. However, this time we got about $60 each. I probably could have gotten more if I had claimed I had suffered from the data breach but I didn't do that. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Ann immediately said that we are going out to a restaurant after the three weeks are over.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 1:06 PM

In the Mail - Annoyance 

Interesting mail this week. One letter was a request from Planned Parenthood to my father who died about 30 years ago.. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The other was to a house a few doors down the street but who has the name of the actress who played Jane Hathaway on the Beverly Hillbillies.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 11:29 AM

Sunday, July 02, 2023

A Mistake I've Never Made Before 

I was making a salad Friday late afternoon. I cut up the cukes, cut up a tomato, cut up a pepper. Then I went to the spice drawer to get some lemon pepper. I picked up a small jar and shook some product into the salad. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Oops. The jar contained sprinkles (we bought it for Oz's birthday cake). In the salad you can see some small red or pink or blue spots. Once I realized my mistake I put some lemon juice in the salad and that neutralized the sugar in the sprinkles.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 7:54 PM


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