I had given platelets and plasma already in September but I got a call from Red Cross asking me to come in again a second time in September to give platelets only (have to wait 28 days between plasma donations).
I agreed and went in today.
The health metrics were: pulse 74 and blood pressure 140/80. Good on the former, just OK on the latter.
I used the Neflix option to see part of the 2018 Netflix reboot of Mystery Science Theatre 3000. I used to watch an earlier version of this late nights back in the 1990s. The 2018 'plot' is that a guy is forced, by evil scientists, to watch really bad movies but gets to riff on them with his robot friends (see image 1 in the 2018 version). The riffs can be very funny. In the 1990s the intergalactic police were punishing a criminal by forcing him to watch the bad movies.
The first movie a scientist named Jonah (in the first image he is between Crow on his right and Tom Servo on his left) was forced to watch was a weak copy of ET called 'Max and Me' which came out in the 1980s. It was about an alien stranded away from his parents who is reunited with them by heroic children.
The movie has many, many product placement moments for Coca Cola and McDonalds who probably 'helped' with the development. My favorite moment of this movie was when the heroic kids reach the dying parents of the alien and start to revive them with Coke (second image) One of the robots says, "quick, get 100 cc of junk food here STAT".
The second movie for Jonah was a cheap 2013 copy of "Pacific Rim" called "Atlantic Rim" where monsters threaten a city on the Gulf of Mexico (it was filmed in Pensacola). Heroic Naval Personnel fight the monsters.
The third image shows the monsters being fought by a supersized robot controlled by the protagonists.
There was some product placement here also. One of the protagonists was drinking a coke when he found he was needed somewhere to respond to an emergency (they had killed one monster and were celebrating when it turned out there was a second monster). He was in uniform at a civilian attended and sponsored event and drinking Coke not alcohol which may have been a nod to military regulations.
As he got to his vehicle, one of the robots said, "Lieutenant you've just had two Coke Zeros, do you really think you should be driving?"
The fourth image shows Jonah and his robot friends watching Atlantic Rim.
I laughed really loudly during the time I was watching and the Red Cross personnel said they were happy that I was enjoying myself.
We had a computer issue yesterday so I didn't get to post this until today.
I went back to the red and pink roses (click to expand and you may be able to tell which are pink and which red but the difference is subtle) in this calandivas pot table piece. We still have the honey pot out from the Rosh Hashana meal. Also, Hadassah is watching to see there are no problems.
The rose bushes are doing quite well. I was in the yard a bit looking around and it seems some of the lilies are going to make a second showing. The buds are big enough but the weather is no where as warm as lilies like for blooming. We'll see what happens.
We went to an early minyan Rosh Hashana service both days. There were two times for Shachrit so people could social distance. Also there were multiple minyanim at both times.
This morning it was cold enough that I could see my breath as I walked to the synagogue at about 730am. Probably in the low 40s or high 30sF at the time.
I can't remember ever seeing my breath before on RH. Of course I also can't remember attending a minyan this early in the morning either.
The image was taken by Jeanne McVey and posted on the Capital Weather Gang blog. It was taken from the Georgetown waterfront. The warm water and cold air produces river fog.
I figured we should have two pots for this.
The calandiva are reblooming a bit so we can use them.
I just added some chrysanthemums for the second flowers.
I did a 5am to 2pm shift at the caterer so I didn't feel like harvesting more flowers when I got home.
Yesterday a local Rabbi, under contract to the Star K, was doing an inspection of one of the places where I work. I wasn't in at the time of the inspection.
His only 'found defect' was that in the log I keep with inked notes from inspecting bagged lettuce, I created a matrix so I could put each inspection on a single line. When an item duplicates the previous, say, "Taylor Spring Bagged Lettuce Mix Triple Washed and Vacuumed Sealed" I used ditto marks to avoid having write the complete phrase. This, the Rabbi said, was a defect that needed to be corrected.
So we went out for coffee today. We took Wile E Coyote but made sure he was masked for protection from infection. You can tell from Wile's eyes that he likes the smell of coffee.
Ann had taken off her mask to drink the iced coffee.
Ann's company is responsible for auditing medical coding at a major Federal facility.
However, the primary coding is slow because a number of coders quit. Basically a series of management mistakes.
A new artist took over this comic in 2018 or 2019.
I had long felt this to be a worthless comic and didn't like the fact that it took up space on the comic page.
Today, it was actually funny, although I've seen similar versions of this joke (click on the image to enlarge it).
That made Ox and Beth into primary contacts and required them to be in quarantine for 12 days.
Oz will have to do a lot more exercising to get through this.
Beth came close to being quarantined earlier this year. Someone she worked with got diagnosed but the diagnosis was 4 days after she had seen the person so she just had to not go into the office for 10 days.
On the right are the pink roses.
On the left are the red roses.
The calandiva are producing a new bloom also but it is not easy to see unless you enlarge the image (by clicking).
The bottle is some sparkling apple&grape I plan on having tonight.
Well this item, which had disappeared from stores, on line distributors and even the manufacturer's web site, is now available again.
I suppose they must have found another source of whatever ingredient they didn't have.
or something (a George expression)
The flowers are chives which don't really go well with anything we have in the summer.
They do go well with potatoes or in stew which we have in the fall and winter and spring.
I might try to dry these in the sun room.
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