

Chronological Account of the Weiss family with contextual remarks, some weather, sports and other news. You can write to me at: mhw20854@yahoo.com The people in the Weiss family are: Martin, Ann, Beth and George. I also sometimes write about other people or our pet.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Sabbath Flowers - transition to late summer 

There are still a few of the day lilies producing flowers and they are the top level.

Below that are a few red roses. They are having their second blooming (I trimmed them back about a mont ago).

The bottom are the big florets produced by the the crepe myrtle trees we have. We have at least another month or so of these blooms.

We do have lots more of the Anastasia lilies but last week they had a lot of little flies inside them and so I'll skip them for now.




posted by Martin Weiss  # 4:43 PM

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Creamy Cole Slaw Hack 

Some people like crispy cole slaw.

I like creamy cole slaw.

Most of the recipes for creamy cole slaw require sour cream or some other product I don't like. This also results in too much creamy residue and makes it a dairy food.

I decided to try a different approach.  I cooked the cole slaw (I used fresh red and white cabbage chopped up) in the microwave for 2 minutes to soft it up. So all I needed to make it creamy was a bit of mayonnaise. Lemon juice and some duck sauce added flavor but, in retrospect, I could have used mustard instead.

I liked it. Ann liked it. George didn't try it.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 10:49 AM

Friday, July 24, 2020

Upside down blooms for the Sabbath before Tisha b Av 

I have a lot of these upside down blooms.

They are called the Anastasia Lily.

The stalks are nice and thick so they stand up nicely.

However, the stalks are thick enough that they crowd up the vase.

Also annoyingly, the top flowers bloom after the ones below them on the stalk.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 6:30 PM

Ink Jet Printer Shortage 

The bath tissue shortage may be over. The ice cream shortage has almost ended (still a lack of choices where I shop) and the canned vegetable shortage seems to be almost over also.

Today, George went out to get a new ink jet printer (we have a lot of ink stored up).  Two different stores said they didn't have any since they had run out about two weeks ago (perhaps a logistics issue since many parts come from China).

However, one of the stores was getting a new shipment in the late p.m. and George got one of them the next day. 

Not a very important story but it gave me a chance to use the cartoon. 

posted by Martin Weiss  # 1:58 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2020

If I had Familial Mediterranean Fever, I would be cured by now 

After my gout diagnosis I got a prescription for Colchicine.

Today, I was watching an episode of House and, as typical with the show, they took many tries before they came up with the right diagnosis which was Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF).

Some of the show didn't make sense as one patient was found to be buying and using cocaine while sleep walking.

Anyway, it turns out colchicine treats both gout and FMF quite nicely.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 7:43 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

$ 1.499 a gallon 

The discount from Harris Teeter kicked in again.

It was a $ 0.80 cent a gallon discount.

I wish I had a bigger gas tank.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 10:04 AM

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A Benediction Story from Tamar 

Beth reported on an unusual event at her building.

The other day there were a large number of Hasidic looking people in her building who were not residents (mostly secular people live in the building).

It seemed strange.

After some investigation, it turns out that the day was the anniversary of the death of an important Hasidic Rebbe and that the last person to see this Rebbe before he died (or about the last) was a person, now 95 years old, who lives in Beth's building. 

All the Hasidic looking people were there to get a blessing from this 95 year old secular fellow. 

posted by Martin Weiss  # 12:24 PM

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Extra Safe Time 

For some reason, perhaps something said on TV, Ann asked me to get face shields to supplement out face masks.

It turned out they weren't very expensive so I got a five pack for under $10.

Now, per the image, I can be safe and look good doing so.

Or something.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 1:17 PM

Friday, July 17, 2020

Purple Sabbath 

It was pretty hot and humid and I almost decided to not pick flowers but then I changed my mind.

The reason for the change in mind was that I realized I could get both the Purple Haze Lilies and the purple Cone Flowers.

BTW, I think the Purple Haze Lilies were named with Jimi Hendrix in mind.

The Haze Lilies have a nice fragrance and the deer usually get them before I can bring them in to the table but this year I was more diligent with the anti deer spray.

I liked the purple theme so much I got two images, one from a 'sort of top down' perspective and one from a more 'side' perspective. 

posted by Martin Weiss  # 7:16 PM

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Not an Insect Sting -- it's gout 

The foot pain got worse so this morning I went to the Urgent Care place nearby.

They said it was gout. They gave me a prescription for an anti inflammatory, colcichine. They also advised me to see either primary care or my arthritis doctor.  Also I'll have to eat less red meat.

Annoyingly, the website for the Urgent Care place said they opened at 6am in one place and at 7am another place. I got an appointment for 8am. The sign on the door said they opened at 7am but actually they didn't open until 8am. 

Also annoyingly, I told them to send the prescription to Harris Teeter which was only a couple hundred feet away but the pharmacy there doesn't open until 11am on Sunday.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:50 AM

Friday, July 10, 2020

Flowers Again 

Some of the flowers from last week are still there near the vase.

However, I picked what ended up being an upper deck of day lilies. These are from a patch in the front yard that gets a lot of light. Also I treated them with deer and rabbit repellent much more often that in past years. As a result the flowers are 4 to 5 feet above the ground and in a dense patch. 

After I removed these for the vase, you could hardly tell anything had been taken.

The flowers rise about 3 feet above the dining room table.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:57 PM

Invaders of the 21st century 

 In the past half decade our yard has been invaded by exotic vegetation that was essentially unknown by us.

The first image shows several knotweed plants.  I think they grow from a rhizome in that area because I keep removing them and they keep coming back. 

If unattended, these plants can pretty much take over a yard. They grow through rock or wood mulch and through the vinca cover. They have berries that are not eaten by deer or rabbits and that's one way they propagate.

The second image shows some Japanese Stilt Grass growing under a Gladiola plant. This invader grows so fast it is hard to keep up with it.

Like the knotweed, it has a shallow root and can easily be pulled up but, somehow it will have already reseeded itself before you pull it up. According to several sites, this invader has been spread mostly by deer who brush up against it (unfortunately the deer don't eat this plant) and transport the seeds. There are some of the long leaves of the chive plant in the patch also.  The chive is there on purpose and I am hoping that eventually, they will allow more control over the stilt grass.

The Horror.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:48 PM

Product Worked Unexpectedly 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Update by later post.

Last night my foot hurt on the left foot near my left toe. It may have been due to a bruise or possibly an insect bite.

It hurt a lot. It was preventing sleep.

I used a couple of pain relief topical cremes and they didn't work.

I was in the bathroom pondering the issue when I saw the product on the left.

I applied it and in about 45 minutes the pain was almost gone.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:57 AM

Monday, July 06, 2020

First Hair Cuts in 3+months 

It has been at least three months since Ann or I got a haircut.  Only in the past week or so have the barber shops been allowed to open in our county.

We both got one this morning.  It was at a different place than we were used to (our local one is closed). Also, I had to make appointments for this.

Anyway it feels a lot better.

The image is of Delilah cutting Sampson's hair and is, I think, a still from a movie but I found it on the website, Skeptoid.com.  The Sampson character has Rastafarian dreadlocks because, I think,  the Rastafarians believe long hair gives you strength.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 10:11 AM

Friday, July 03, 2020

June showers bring July Flowers 

For tonight's sabbath dinner table we have a good selection of flowers.

There are two varieties of day lilies, the orange kind near the top and right and the redish on the bottom right.

There are some of the star gazer lilies to the bottom left and far right.

There are both purple and red cone flowers. The red one is at the top.

I'm going try to propagate the red cone flowers this fall and see if they will grow in the back yard.


posted by Martin Weiss  # 4:06 PM


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