

Chronological Account of the Weiss family with contextual remarks, some weather, sports and other news. You can write to me at: mhw20854@yahoo.com The people in the Weiss family are: Martin, Ann, Beth and George. I also sometimes write about other people or our pet.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Change in the oil Change Biz 

I called up my local Goodyear on the phone to make a reservation for an oil change (I also need new tires). They (the local place) told me they don't do oil changes anymore (although the national company has an ad up on the internet here and printable coupons for oil change here.).

And they do tires like Jiffy Lube does oil changes. You bring your car in - no appointment necessary (or you can have the tires brought to you - the valet service announcement for tires is here.).
posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:52 PM

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Another new banking option 

 This week I did banking an old way and a new way within 24 hours.

On Monday I had someone send me $19 to my paypal account and on Tuesday I went to a 'real' bricks and mortar bank, gave endorsed 6 checks (totaling about $600) to a teller and got a receipt.

They also had coffee at the bank.

Also the tellers are always nice and smile. And if there is going to be a problem with a third party or multiple endorsement or whatever, you get the info right away.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:10 AM

Friday, January 24, 2020

Odd Mom Out (TV show) 

George bought a TV show that was produced by Bravo.

It was written by the woman in the middle of the first image. She also stars in the show (as Jill).  The plot is about a family that is well to do but interacts with very wealthy families that are, somehow, part of their social circle. The women of the very wealthy families (Momzillas in the novel that preceded the show - they are in image 2) are vain and un self aware and this provides about 90% of the
humor. George and I both are enjoying it.

I did find this one short bit of dialogue (from the episode 'Vons Have More Fun' extra funny although it involves the men in the image.

Lex (man on right who has recently become very wealthy):  You know how much money you've loaned me over the years? 

Andy (who will need some money to buy into a law practice having just made partner): $6,300 for your dorm-brewed beer business at Dartmouth, not to mention all the pro-bono legal help I gave you when that kid nearly died drinking it. 

Lex: He was such a faker

Andy:  He was on life support, Lex.

Lex: Yeah, for about a day.

One of the running gags is that all the women are on low carb diets and yet they get together all the time at fine restaurants. Each time a waiter comes by with bread all the women say at once: NO BREAD.

In one episode, Andy and Brooke (she is on left in the first image) found they were related to somebody in Austria in the 1600s and they are changing their name to von Weber (from Weber)

Brooke: I redid all of Rutherford's Kindergarden applications... adding the von will really give him a leg up.

Jill:  I'm curious. In your research did you happen to stumble upon what this family was up to in the 1930s and 1940s?

Andy: It gets a bit hazy about then.

Brooke: But a branch of the family did turn up in Argentina in the 60s so that's cool.

I redid all of Rutherford's kindergarten applications, and let me just say... it's good. Adding the Von could really give the twins a leg up, which, if you think about it... Just think about it. So I'm curious, during your research, did you happen to stumble upon where this Von Weber clan was during the 1930s and '40s? You know, the tree gets a little fuzzy in that time period. But a branch of the family did resurface in Argentina in the '60s, which is cool. Jill: They're Nazis.

Read more at: http://www.transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=330&t=19005
I redid all of Rutherford's kindergarten applications, and let me just say... it's good. Adding the Von could really give the twins a leg up, which, if you think about it... Just think about it. So I'm curious, during your research, did you happen to stumble upon where this Von Weber clan was during the 1930s and '40s? You know, the tree gets a little fuzzy in that time period. But a branch of the family did resurface in Argentina in the '60s, which is cool. Jill: They're Nazis.

Read more at: http://www.transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=330&t=19005
I redid all of Rutherford's kindergarten applications, and let me just say... it's good. Adding the Von could really give the twins a leg up, which, if you think about it... Just think about it. So I'm curious, during your research, did you happen to stumble upon where this Von Weber clan was during the 1930s and '40s? You know, the tree gets a little fuzzy in that time period. But a branch of the family did resurface in Argentina in the '60s, which is cool. Jill: They're Nazis.

Read more at: http://www.transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=330&t=19005

Read more at: http://www.transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=330&t=19005
You know how much money you've loaned me over the years? $6,300 for your dorm-brewed beer business at Dartmouth, not to mention all the pro-bono legal help I gave you when that kid nearly died drinking it. He was such a faker. He was on life support, Lex.

Read more at: http://www.transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=330&t=19005
You know how much money you've loaned me over the years? $6,300 for your dorm-brewed beer business at Dartmouth, not to mention all the pro-bono legal help I gave you when that kid nearly died drinking it. He was such a faker. He was on life support, Lex. For, like, a day.

Read more at: http://www.transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=330&t=19005
You know how much money you've loaned me over the years? $6,300 for your dorm-brewed beer business at Dartmouth, not to mention all the pro-bono legal help I gave you when that kid nearly died drinking it. He was such a faker. He was on life support, Lex. For, like, a day.

Read more at: http://www.transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=330&t=19005

posted by Martin Weiss  # 8:15 AM

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Last items at Shoppers 

This was the last day that this store will be open under current management, at least according to the sign.

I went in just to see what the final items would be.

About 95% of the store had nothing on the shelves.

Oddly enough, two of the things that they still had in quantity, were gefilte fish and Hanukkah chocolate parve coins.  I bought a bunch of each. 

The fish worked out to about $1.25 for a 6-fish bottle.   The chocolates were about 10 cents for a 5 coin bag.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:38 PM

Extra Caution at the Red Cross 

I was giving platelets and plasma again today. 

While in the reception area I answered all the qualifying/disqualifying questions. About a half dozen of these have to do with HIV exposure (e.g., ever had sex for money, ever had sex with a man...).

When I finished with these I went into the mini lab where they take your temperature, blood pressure, pulse and hemoglobin count).  The lab official asked for my name, address, etc. again. Then she asked if I had any of the HIV risk behaviors in the time between when I answered the questions and now (it was about 5 minutes).

Well some people do the Qs at their house on line and print it up and bring it the donation center but that last HIV question to me showed some serious vigilance.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:22 PM

Monday, January 13, 2020

The end of our daily WaPo 

Today was the first day of our new WaPo plan.

We get the Washington Post on Sundays and may use the digital version any time.

We've had a daily Washington Post for a lot of years (sometimes we stopped delivery when we were on vacation).  The WaPo was a significant portion of our recycle and I felt the clutter removal annoyance wasn't worth the value of the newspaper. Now we will have a slightly easier time of it.

Also behind this decision was that our local grocery store, which had $10 off coupons in the Wednesday paper, is going out of business.

Anyway, what I will miss most is the sport's section on Saturday morning during the baseball season.

The image is of the Feb 15, 1916 newspaper for Regina in Saskachewan, Canada

Irwin points out that another advantage of dropping the paper delivery is not having to fetch it on cold/rainy days.  Once upon a time the paper was actually delivered to within two feet of our door but for many years now it just lands in the driveway so the cold/rainy day issue has been more important. 
posted by Martin Weiss  # 10:39 AM

Finally I get a cell phone with GPS in my dreams 

Like a lot of people I sometimes dream about being lost. Typically it is in an urban area in a complex which has hotel, convention center, gardens, promenades, Government offices and retail (kind of an upscale being lost). 

Up to last night I never had a dream with a cell phone and GPS to help me get to where I was going. But last night in a dream I had both.

Unfortunately it didn't help because my GPS told me to walk down a path that was blocked by construction fencing. Something a little like that happened back on July 4, 2019 in Israel when construction blocked various walking paths to a bus route.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 10:13 AM

Monday, January 06, 2020

A Tree Falls in Rockville - actually two trees 

The bottom of one of'our trees, an oak, seemed to be damaged by insects or fungus or both.  The tree was at least 75 feet high, had a bottom circumference of over 60" and considerable branch spread near its top. Notwithstanding the damage, none of the branches seemed unhealthy and all the branches leafed out just fine last summer.

Since the top of the tree, if it fell toward the street would take out a power line, I called the electric company and asked them to inspect it.  The electric company, after inspection, told me it was not an emergency.

I had several licensed arborists look at it subsequently and they advised me to remove the tree during the winter.
I had one company recommended to me by a neighbor next door and by a neighbor a few blocks away. I called them and they gave an estimate I thought was too high (over $3,000).  The estimate included haul away and clean up but not stump removal.  

I called another company that was recommended by a different neighbor. They promised an estimate several times but never delivered. 

Then I called another company that had done work for me in the past and they didn't answer and didn't return the call.  
Then I called a company that has frequently left a business card at the front door.  They came two days later and a few minutes later we had a contract to do both the big oak tree and another tree (about 40' feet high but almost as big in circumference but with less spread and also an oak) for $2,200.  The work included clean up and haul away but not stump removal.

The smaller tree was taken down in a few hours on Sunday (5 January) with a three person crew.

The bigger tree was taken down today (about a 6 hour job) by a four person crew.  The first four images (click on them to enlarge) show the main trunk being taken down.

The next two images show the stump cross sections.  I left my car keys on the stump to get an idea of the size of the cross section.

The first tree does not show any distress at all in the cross section.  That is because the damage in the tree was at about at the 15 foot level. 

The second tree does show distress in the cross section. There are two gaps near the outside of the cross section. There is also some discolored area nearer to the center of the tree.  

I'm pretty sure I could have gotten another 5 years or so from that tree but it would have been even bigger by then and might have cost even more to remove.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 11:48 AM

Sunday, January 05, 2020

You can always go another 30 miles when the tank says empty 

 A few days ago I notice the fuel gauge dashboard image indicated my tank was empty. I had some very local places to go and didn't get it filled until very late Saturday night. 

After pumping the gas I noted that the amount I had pumped in was about 11.6 gallons.  According to the specs of the car, it holds 12.2 gallons. 

So actually, I could have gone a bit more.

First image is a Chevy Sonic Fuel tank (used) for sale.


Second image is a diagram of the fuel pressure system.

This did remind me of an episode in the 167th Seinfeld show. Kramer runs the tanks past empty.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 12:35 AM

Thursday, January 02, 2020

Wearing many hats 

Once upon a time I was a mid level government official and I occasionally had two or more 'titles'. 

For example at one time I was the co-chair of an International Conference while also holding my regular government job and having responsibility for a billion+ dollar grant program.

When I called people and said, "I am calling you on behalf of the International Conference..." I was implying that nothing they said or did (or did not say or did not do) would be in their favor or disfavor in my other duties (they might not have believed that).

Today I had a fun 'wear two hat' experience.  I was acting Mashgiach at the one venue and ordered food from a vendor to be delivered the next day to that venue.  I was also scheduled to be Mashgiach on duty at the noted vendor the next day. 

So I sent a text that said, "As acting Mashgiach.... deliver 20 pizzas.. by 1100am." and "As scheduled duty Mashgiach for tomorrow, should I report at 1030pm:
posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:26 PM


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