

Chronological Account of the Weiss family with contextual remarks, some weather, sports and other news. You can write to me at: mhw20854@yahoo.com The people in the Weiss family are: Martin, Ann, Beth and George. I also sometimes write about other people or our pet.

Friday, September 29, 2017

For the Sins we have committed 

My neighbor two houses east of me had a sewer problem. The problem was at the junction between the pipe coming from his house and the pipe going down and west that is below the street. The utility is doing the work. The hole looks to be about 15' deep.

My house is not affected because we are 'downstream' from the problem. We have a similar pipe junction however and perhaps someday we will have a similar sewer problem. 

I asked my neighbor what is happening he said, "I am being punished for my sins" (Igor and Anya are jewish).

Speaking of sins, I had my oil changed today.

I met someone in our congregation who said that he wanted his oil to be cleaned of sins for Yom Kipper. 

 If we could have fasting for 15 minutes while our sins were cleansed that would be nice but, well, it doesn't work that way.

I think that was part of my reasoning also.  

Apparently the air filter also had sins and had to be replaced as well.  

Clink on images for enlargement (although they are not as interesting as the flowers) .
posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:52 PM

Montauk Daisies and Firecracker Plant 

The first image has four types of flowers (click on images twice for enlargement). 

The purple are a type of aster. The white ones are Montauk Daisies (some daisies are also in front of the purple asters - the brown ends on stems are where the flower has blown off), the red ones behind the daisies are firecracker flowers and the red ones on the tree are the crape myrtle flowers.

The Montauk Daisies (aka Nippon Daisies because they come from coastal Japan) are called that because in Montauk, NY, they have become naturalized and are 'taking over').  Some of these started growing in my yard one day or at least I can't remember planting them. I have, however, propagated them all over the front yard.  

Both coastal Japan and eastern Long Island, NY. have mild winters and summers as they are protected from the extremes by ocean influence.

Notwithstanding that, the daisies are seemingly invulnerable to drought and heat. 

The internet article I read said that they will drown if they are in a saturated area for too long but that's not likely as the ground is sloping where I planted them. They die back a bit in the winter but come back strong - so far.  They bloom in the fall.

The firecracker plant (aka Russelia) is an evergreen, although the leafing is much thinner in the winter. It is also drought and heat resistant and, so far, hasn't been damaged by winter cold.

The second picture is similar to ones I took on September 11, about two weeks ago.

They show the pink roses still producing flowers and the crape myrtle tree in the background with a few flowers on it as well.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:40 PM

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Has Sukkot affected the retail hardware market 

I went to Home Depot to buy a utility clamp work light. I have two of these and wanted another.  

They work well in the sukkuh because they clamp on the upper horizontal bars and the metal protects the electrical elements from rain, at least to some extent (I had one tall lamp short out during the holiday one year). 

Home Depot was out of them. 

A store clerk took out his cell phone and looked up whether any of the other nearby Home Depot stores had them. The answer was 'NO' for the nearby stores. The nearest Home Depot with this lamp was in Frederick, Maryland.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:34 PM

Avalon Prep School Enjoys Krispy Kreme or was it an optical illusion 

I was enjoying coffee and a donut (well, actually two donuts - they serve them hot and they are really, really good) at Krispy Kreme today waiting for Ann to finish a visit with the arthritis,  and rheumatism doctor. 

A group of kids in short sleeve dress shirts (they didn't have the Avalon Logo on their shirt - image 2 is from the internet) and ties came in to get donuts. 

When I first noticed them, they were wearing the Krispy Kreme hats they give out at that place so I thought they might be from a Yeshiva (this Krispy Kreme is approved by the vaad) and their teacher seemed to be in his 20s or 30s. He also had a beard and was wearing a yarmulke. 

But then they got into a van marked, "The Avalon School", which is prep school for boys affiliated with the Roman Catholic school system.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:22 PM

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Longest Password and biggest stuffed pepper order 

Longest Password and biggest stuffed pepper order

I have been working at yet another caterer the past two weeks.  As others, do, they have wifi. It requires a password that is 28 characters long. Its a good thing the computer remembers it for me (although because it is a pattern, I can remember it).

They were also making an order for 50 stuffed peppers today. I think there may be a custom to eat stuffed peppers before yom kippur for some unexplained reason.

Making stuffed peppers in bulk makes pretty good sense.  One person cuts top off and passes it to another who puts in the stuffing who passes it to another who puts the topping on.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:20 PM

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Saw Menashe two weeks ago - finally posting 

I waited a while to post on this after we saw the movie. Ann liked it. I thought it was boring and was thankful it was only 80 minuets long. Rotten Tomatoes viewers gave it 96%. 

It reminded me a little of the movie Manchester by the Sea. Good photography. Good acting. Boring plot. Language problems (Manchester by the Sea used obscenities every other sentence, Menashe was in yiddish.)

As of the date of the posting, the total 

worldwide box office for Menashe is 1.3 million.

Post Script: As of 26 Sept, this had climbed to 1.6 million.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:21 AM

A Dream in which I get Sarcasm 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:20 AM

Monday, September 11, 2017

Still have Roses and some Crepe Myrtles 

The rose bushes are still blooming away despite the fact that I don't prune them. The yellow leaves show the rose bush is beginning to feel autumn as we've had some nights in the 40s.

The crepe myrtle behind the roses (near the stree) still has a bit of color but is mostly done for the  year.

The image expands when clicked.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 2:12 PM

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Nationals Clinch 4th Division Championship in 6 years anti climax 

A win today vs Philadelphia combined with a win by Atlanta vs Miami gave the Nationals another Division championship.

It was somewhat of an anticlimax and, as the Atlanta victory was 90 minutes after Washington victory (it went into the 11th inning), the Nationals manager, Dusty Baker was taking a nap when the 'big moment' arrived.

The Nationals are, 88-55 as of tonight. and the Miami team, in 2nd place is 68-75 which is a pretty sad record for a 2nd place team.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 11:44 PM

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Chef's Birthday 

 I was on duty yesterday.  The chef came in and quickly started cursing. He was unhappy that no one had said 'Happy Birthday" to him.

A bit later, I spoke to him about cursing which I consider to be something that should not be done in a kosher kitchen.  He was still unhappy and told me how the staff doesn't appreciate him (although a few weeks earlier they had got him a 'the chef is always right' sign (second image) and hung it over one of the main cooking areas) and that he had worked for some really mean chefs as he was working his way up (he, like two other people I've worked with in kosher catering in this area, worked for Wolfgang Puck in LA, who, as other people have told me, is a disagreeable fellow). 

Anyway, the people didn't say 'happy birthday' because they were planning a surprise. They made a chocolate cake (very little flour but several types of chocolate) which the chef is holding (first image click o it to expand).  

When the chef spoke after getting the cake he was choked up and the only thing he could say was, "thank you God for everything".

By the way, my lab coat was wet because I had been washing a lot of vegetables.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:35 AM

Sunday, September 03, 2017

A multitude of Events with Kosher Catering 

I was mashgiach one event (a Bat Mitzvah party at our synagogue) but there were at least 6 other events today (I think 4 weddings) in the area with kosher catering.  I know this because I received about a dozen phone calls, emails and texts from people wanting me to be a mashgiach at those events (several people called me more than once and sometimes more than one person from a caterer called me).

At the event I was doing, the party ended with the song, "Don't Stop Believin", a song with a 1981 vintage (album cover is the image)  that seems to get more and more popular (the youtube I linked to which has lyrics  has over 70 million views at the time I linked to it and there are other versions with millions more) even though the words don't make any sense (for example, one of protagonists in the song is from South Detroit which is actually Windsor, Canada) and the final chorus with the title phrase doesn't appear until the last minute of the song.  This is at least the 5th bat or bar mitzvah event I've been to in the past 2 years which ended with that song (several sports teams have played this song near or at the end of games).

posted by Martin Weiss  # 11:35 PM


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