

Chronological Account of the Weiss family with contextual remarks, some weather, sports and other news. You can write to me at: mhw20854@yahoo.com The people in the Weiss family are: Martin, Ann, Beth and George. I also sometimes write about other people or our pet.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Flowers Aug 26 

For yet another week, the crape myrtle flowers are blooming nicely - perhaps they like the hot weather.

We are now getting a reblooming of the rose bushes - both the pink and red ones - so I put some of those in (they have thorns and sometimes a stray insect or two so I don't usually put to many of these in).

Also, I put in a few of the hybrid asters. Click a few times to enlarge the image.

Coke bear got into the picture and off to his left is a bottle of store brand cola. Fortunately, Coke doesn't consider generic cola to be a threat.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 4:37 PM

BBBY:Honors Expired Coupon 

I was at Bed, Bath and Beyond today to use some coupons.

This store is very, very friendly to coupons. We bought some stoneware and other things two months months ago (see post). We forgot to bring coupons which are placed in various women's magazines and other items we get. They told us we could bring them in anytime in the next 12 months. I brought in one coupon a month ago and 4 more today.  One of the coupons was for new purchase and it expired two weeks ago. The clerk said, "That's OK. We honor expired coupons with a new purchase." 

Oddly, the stock went down a lot today after the closing bell.

The CEO gets about $19M a year so I suppose they can afford the coupon policy.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 4:37 PM

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Disturbing Dream 

Last night I had a dream. 

I was walking on the street with two other people. I think it was in Georgetown and the sidewalk was too crowded to use which was why we were in the street.

A car came up the street and I moved over and bumped a side view mirror which cracked. The owners of the car came toward me and said the side view mirror would cost $9,000 to replace.

I may have been having this dream because a news article said that an existing law suit for $50 million was expanding the defendant list to include a synagogue in Georgetown. 

George says that if someone has a fragile mirror that is very valuable, there may not be a case against me since I couldn't reasonably know that the mirror was there.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 11:14 PM

Friday, August 19, 2016

Weekly Flower Image 

Our crape myrtles are still in bloom and producing nice panicles although a bit past their peak. This is at least the 5th week of bloom.

The flowers with the purple petals and yellow flower head (middle) are an aster hybrid (genus Asteraceae; species Frikartii). They are doing pretty well this year and the deer haven't attacked them.  They have been blooming for a few weeks now but this is the first time I've used them since they are not as spectacular as the giant lilies.  Click a few times on the image for a close up.

In the middle is a floret of one of our tall phlox.  The flowers are coming back after a big deer attack about 10 days ago. 

In the image also is Lobby, who is a public representative of, and adviser to, the sea food industry. Some of his fellow lobsters accuse him of selling out but Lobby says, "Hey, I'm just a lobster trying to make a salary". 
posted by Martin Weiss  # 1:50 PM

Thursday, August 18, 2016

A Polite Electric Company 

On Thursday, August 18, I had duty at an industrial kitchen in Rockville. I got there and there was no electricity.  

This makes cooking difficult although not impossible since people operate with flashlights and laterns.  

I called the electric company, Pepco. After some phone tree stuff a person answered and said the electric would be on by 10am. 

They asked if I wanted a phone call when they got it one. I answered, 

"Thanks, we'll be able to figure it out, but its nice of you to ask".

They actually got the electricity on by 8am which was about 30 minutes from the time I called. 

posted by Martin Weiss  # 1:50 PM

Friday, August 12, 2016

This week's sabbath flowers 

This week's flowers will be the last of the summer with the giant lilies.  The first week with giant lilies was June 24 so that's a pretty good run. Several sub species participated.

I would have liked to have some of the tall phlox also but the deer chewed up a lot of the flowers - darn.

This is also the fourth week since the crape myrtle flowers began to appear (they first appeared in the July 22 photo). 

In the background, nearly obscured is Red Bear aka Rev Lev. He is still studying Tractate Machos (lashes) in Talmud Babli but on Sunday August 14 he will have to take a break and study some of the 9th of Av related parts of Tractate Gitten, (folio pages 56b to 58a) or of Tractate Sanhedrin (folio page 104b). Rev Lev always seems to have an easier fast than any of us.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:56 PM

This week's sabbath flowers 

This week's flowers will be the last of the summer with the giant lilies.  The first week with giant lilies was June 24 so that's a pretty good run. Several sub species participated.

I would have liked to have some of the tall phlox also but the deer chewed up a lot of the flowers - darn.

This is also the fourth week since the crape myrtle flowers began to appear (they first appeared in the July 22 photo). 

In the background, nearly obscured is Red Bear aka Rev Lev. He is still studying Tractate Machos (lashes) in Talmud Babli but on Sunday August 14 he will have to take a break and study some of the 9th of Av related parts of Tractate Gitten, (folio pages 56b to 58a) or of Tractate Sanhedrin (folio page 104b).
posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:56 PM

Friday, August 05, 2016

Sabbath Flowers August 5 

 I used the flowers from the giant lilies again this week. 

Actually, I used several ends of the plant to get the display.

Near the rim on the left are some tall phlox.  They are doing even better than last week as the deer repellent seems to be working, at least as of now.

Also in the first image is one of our 'action' figures. We call him 'Igor' (although I think he was marketed as Quasimodo by the Disney Corporation). 

Igor, is, I think, inherited from Ann's mom) . He is, in our house, the assistant to the Vampire (Vampy).  

Sometimes we will have this approximate conversation with Igor:

Igor - ""You know I am the assistant Vampire"

Us - "No. You are the assistant to the Vampire."

Igor - "Its the same thing."

Us - "No, it's not." 

The second image shows a close up of the stem of one of the lilies (click a few times to enlarge). It is huge and flat - perhaps an inch across. It is the only one of the stems that came out that way, perhaps because two stems merged.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:44 PM

Same Flowers Different Roof Shingles 

The first image was taken today, August 5.

The second image was taken July 31.

The lily flowers are pretty much the same - they are giving us a nice long blooming period.

What is different, however, is the shingles on the roof. 

This is because of the storm damage, May 2 (the post on this event was here.). In fact, if you look to the right of each image you can see a part of some material used in the roof work (click a few times to enlarge images).

The new shingles are, less deductible, being pair for by the home insurance company.

I decided I could live with a light color and that slightly decreases attic summer temperature.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:44 PM


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