

Chronological Account of the Weiss family with contextual remarks, some weather, sports and other news. You can write to me at: mhw20854@yahoo.com The people in the Weiss family are: Martin, Ann, Beth and George. I also sometimes write about other people or our pet.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

1000 Today is the 1000th day since I retired from the federal government.
posted by Martin Weiss  # 12:35 PM

Monday, May 30, 2011

M in Nashville

I was in Nashville, TN over the Memorial day holiday. It was my, more or less, annual sheepshead reunion.

Gerry Berg, Glen Kruser and Rocky Kellman were there also (picture taken by a stranger using Glen's camera)

Between card playing we did tourist stuff. One touristy thing we did is visit the Ryman Auditorium (second image). This building was constructed with the intent of being used for preaching against drinking, gambling, etc. . However, as time went on, it was used for other purposes. Notably, from about 1955 to about 1974 (when it was called the home of the Grand Ole Opry) and then again after restoration in the mid 1990s, it was a venue at which many famous country singers performed there. There is a museum there as well the devices used for putting on entertainment.

We also saw Andrew Jackson's plantation, the Hermitage and the Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center (that's where the group image is from).

When I got off the plane in Nashville about 1pm on May 27, I found the call button for the Radisson hotel didn't work and the regular front desk phone didn't work. Thus I couldn't get a van to the hotel, at least not from Radisson. After some thinking about this, I called Holiday Inn Express and asked to bum a ride to the Radisson since they were just across the street. They agreed. I told my story to the front desk at the Radisson and they were astounded - there had been a telephone foul up that they didn't know about. They gave me a discount on the room.

All in all, a successful and fun trip.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 11:36 PM

Friday, May 20, 2011

G Beats Another Traffic Ticket

G was in traffic court again today. This was the result of a traffic ticket issued while Beth was visiting. G was picking Ann and Beth up at a movie complex and went the wrong way on a one-way road.

Today G was in court as was the officer. G lucked out because the officer forgot his old ticket book in which he had all the observations and fact recorded. Innocent.

So, counting the times he was found guilty but given probation before judgment, G is 6-0.

Had G been found guilty (and sentenced and the sentence confirmed upon appeal), it would have been about $100 for the ticket and we estimate about a $150 increase per year (for about 4 years) in the insurance.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 10:36 AM

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Hat and Its Effect

On 5-17 we drove to near the White Flint metrorail station to pick up Stanley Cohen. I was wearing my Washington National's hat.

Someone I didn't know saw me and started complaining to me about that day's National's game decision. About 1000 am that day the National's postponed the game scheduled for 1 pm that day. This was based on a weather forecast for heavy rain. The weather forecast was wrong, quite unambiguously wrong.

The complainer told me about the shortcomings of the team's management and said he thought the decision was motivated by the fact that the Nationals had sold a of $2 tickets and regretted the good deal the fans got. He had quite a bit more to say and I was happy when he left to start complaining to someone else (I think his wife or girlfriend).

We and Stanley ate at Siena's then attended a lecture at Beth Sholom and then Stanley stayed over the night.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 8:54 PM

Monday, May 16, 2011

Grins All Around

Back in March 2011, G went on a cruise to the Bahamas (see March 13 post).

We just got back some of the pictures.

Here is one of G holding a small gator (a fully grown but stunted growth gator).

Notice that the Gator has a big grin.

Notice that G has a big grin also.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 1:16 PM

Friday, May 13, 2011

Large vs Extra Large

This morning I was at the store. The large size eggs were $1.79 a dozen, not a bad deal. We usually buy this size.

However, the extra large eggs (same brand -Richfood - a brand that provides Shopper's Warehouse with a 'house' product), were $1.99 with a 'store' discount of 50 cents for a net of $1.49 a dozen.

So I bought them. If anyone gets violently ill, I'll report it on this blog.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 6:41 PM

G Submits His Article

During law school, G wrote a paper on misconduct by prosecutors and, given the unlikelihood of a complete remedy, suggesting a partial remedy for it.

He had waited for the outcome of a relevant judgment and then polished it up a bit at a time while studying for the bar and subsequently.

This week he submitted it to 150 different law journals for publication. The fee for doing this is $2 per submission but it turns out that alumni of American University are able to have the University pick up the tab for that. Ten points for Griffengeorge.

So make that $160,000+ for tuition offset by $300.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 6:34 PM

Friday, May 06, 2011

G Passes Maryland Bar:

The results of the February Maryland bar exam were released today at about 430 pm.

G was one of the ones who passed.

We were not the only ones happy about this. The event was toasted by a civilian-military task force at the White House (or that might have been for some other event that occurred about this time).

Of course he can't actually practice law until he is sworn in. This will be about June 21 assuming he is cleared by the ethics fitness committee (yes there is such a committee and G has sent them tons of paperwork).
posted by Martin Weiss  # 4:57 PM


It took about 10 days to repair our vacuum cleaner (it needed a new belt and some cleaning).

We have a service contract so it was free but it required bringing it to a shop in Gaithersburg which mostly repairs lawn mowers (a big deal at this time of the year). G brought the vacuum there. G picked it up just an hour or so before the results of the bar exam were released.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:52 PM

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

A Convenient Truth

The Jewish Community Center is located only a block from a Sunoco service station (B and A is the JCC on the map, the Sunoco station is on the next N-S driveway to the east).

The Sunoco station was formerly a Getty station. The people who worked at the Getty station are the same as those who work there now. We had used this station several times for repair work and had been satisfied with their service.

On May 3, G left the car at the Sunoco station to fix the dashboard backlighting in our Chevy Cobalt. He then went to the JCC to exercise.

When he finished exercising, the car was fixed (it was a fuse).


posted by Martin Weiss  # 11:41 AM
M in Charleston, WV

From May 1 to May 3, M was in Charleston.

Turned out to be a nice hotel (The Embassy near the Civic Center).

Three of us carpooled from the DC area. There was about 5-6 hours of driving time. It was rainy for both trips.

This trip was for a conference and it marks the end (almost - some clean up work to do) of M's heavy and unpaid service on the TRB Committee on Transportation and Economic Development.


posted by Martin Weiss  # 11:41 AM


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