

Chronological Account of the Weiss family with contextual remarks, some weather, sports and other news. You can write to me at: mhw20854@yahoo.com The people in the Weiss family are: Martin, Ann, Beth and George. I also sometimes write about other people or our pet.

Friday, August 27, 2004

A Local Robbery

Ann and George were at the Cabin John CVS today during a real robbery or possibly just after the robbery. The robbery was about 130pm. The shop that was robbed was near the CVS that they were in. The police came in. There was a lot of confusion. It wasn't covered on the afternoon news.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:33 PM
Two People Over for Shabbat

We have two people staying with us this shabbat. Karen Bellek and Jody Kosorlo. One is visiting her mom, the other is helping with the Oneg after Maariv tonight and the Kiddush and Luncheon after Shaharit tomorrow.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 5:31 PM

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Ann starts new job

Ann began work today for an opthamalogy group. It takes two buses to get there but people seem nice and she thinks she'll learn quite a bit about medical billing and records - at least from the opthamalogy point of view.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 8:55 PM

Friday, August 20, 2004

Which Beer is that?

We have an unwritten and loosely enforced rule in our house. The rule is that on weekdays we drink regular low cost beer (e.g., Milwaukee's Best). On sabbath we can drink premium beer.

Yesterday, I saw G drinking a Blue Ridge Porter (Ann likes dark beer and I buy this brand for her).

M - Hey why are you drinking the good beer?
G - Because we are out of the cheap beer.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 6:45 PM

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Cool Minimums in the South

This am, Austin TX had a record daily minimum low for the 6th day in a row. Other cities had similar streaks. Alaska was setting record daily highs in an unusually deep western NA ridge and eastern NA trough in the upper atmosphere.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:25 PM
M in MN

M was in MN Aug 17-18. Spoke at a conference, saw the Mall of America in Bloomington (it was impressive but I thought the architexture was bulky and inelegent - kind of 50s ish), visited the Schreiners in St Louis Park (Herta and Irwin Schreiner were there two). Oskar still does marquetry - and drives in the daytime he is over 90 now. Oskar gave me one of his pen sets. Irwin does contract work for several TV stations. The airport keeps getting bigger there but they still have Leinenkugel Beer on tap - actually both Red and Honey Weiss beer. However, a 16 oz glass now costs $5.50 but I guess that's one way to pay off the bonds for the airport expansion.

When I got home, Ann informed me that G had been accepted at Yeshiva U for the fall term.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:00 PM

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Charley's Soft Punch

We were prepared for 40mph winds and torrential rain but Charley's path was about 100 miles east of us and all we got was some rain. We were even on the cold side of a front so our high today was 71F.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:53 PM

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

New DVD Player

G got a new DVD player last week. He had looked on eBay and other websites for used ones then realized that new ones were about the same price. Today he joined a 30 day trial DVD rental club, which he plans to exit in 28 days. Today we also got the first DVD to use in the new machine. We got the old movies "Heathers". Its one of my favorites and G hasn't seen the whole thing before in one sitting.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:15 PM
Another Blast of Cool Air

Today's mid day temperature are in the upper 40s in northern MN today. That's about 30F cooler than normal.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 4:59 PM
Beth has a blog.

Beth has a new blog in Israel with observations on daily life. It is at: http://www.jtownponderings.blog-city.com/

posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:59 PM
Joe Gibbs and Nixon

My friend Stanley Cohen noticed that Joe Gibb's first game as coach since being rehired was on the 30th anniversary of Richard Nixon's resignation (Aug 9) and that Gibbs last game as coach before that was on Nixon's 80th birthday (Jan 8th 1991) .

posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:56 PM

Monday, August 09, 2004

Lucky Pitcher

Tim Wakefield, Boston pitcher, gave up 6 HRs in 5 innings and was the winning pitcher. The 6 HRs only yielded 7 runs (Detroit was the opponent) and Boston got 10 runs. Wakefield is the first pitcher in 64 years to give up 6 HRs in a game. It was last done by George Castor of the Philadelphia A's against Boston on September 24, 1940.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:15 PM

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Critters still active in the Cool Weather

It was in the low 50s this am. In the afternoon, I went out and had a beer while sitting in the yard. After a while, I started itching. The insects had bitten me through my pant legs and socks again -- I couldn't see them.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 9:43 PM

Friday, August 06, 2004

Marcus Vick and a Cold Front

Marcus Vick put out an apology statement earlier this week. Back in July, he was suspended from Virginia Tech (he is a QB with a lot of potential). He pleaded guilty to drunk driving, assault, smoking marijuana, buying liquor for girls aged 14 and 15 and a few other things. He apologized to his family, teamates, etc. didn't enumerate what he was apologizing for and had the usual, 'I'm the true victim here' implication at the end of his apology.

It was in the high 50s when I went out to get the paper this am. Could be in the low 50s tomorrow morning.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:19 PM
M in Wisc

Aug 3-5, I was in Wisc.; Spent an evening in Green Bay and one in Madison. Saw the new Lambeau field atrium and mall in Green Bay and visited with Bobbie and Dave Dueholm in Madison. In Madison I had Pabst and Lienie beer at the Memorial Union, then a Michalob at the Lake and then a Miller's at Kennedy Manor across the street. The last of these was bought for me by someone I had never met who was, I guess, just glad to have someone visiting Madison.

posted by Martin Weiss  # 3:15 PM

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Rocket Expelled

Roger 'the rocket' Clemons was thrown out of a game on July 31.
It was a minor league game.
His 10 year old son was playing.
After a close call at second, Roger spit sunflower seeds at the umpire.


posted by Martin Weiss  # 6:36 AM


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